Future technologies in the event today!


The most emotional and innovative meeting of the Corporations Club “Future Technologies in the Event Today” took place on the 6th of February.

VR (virtual reality) technologies have helped solve business problems, train police officers, design homes, conduct crash tests, analyze installation work, set up scientific experiments and travel for more than 5 years.

We organized this event to tell HR specialists, marketers and company executives about the possibilities of using virtual reality in event marketing.

The meeting was opened by Oksana Lipnitskaya, the director of Art Mix Group and the firetender of the Corporation Club. She greeted the guests and set the tone for the whole event.

The first speaker was Andrei Potapov, Creative Director of “Art Mix Group”. He spoke about the experience of using smart technologies in events, and also held an interactive presentation with guests – Kahoot. The game presentation format allowed guests to easily get acquainted with the features and secrets of organizing events.

After the microphone was taken by Mikhail Yurchenko (4iLab VR development studio). His speech attracted many HRs, especially the part about the world and Belarusian experience of using VR in staff training.

Alexander Podgorny (Asterman digital production company) showed the practical application of VR / AR solutions in business and introduced guests to real cases. The most memorable case was the project with the Teleport VR-park. The result of the teamwork was the creation of a VR- cafe, where visitors can see the process of making burgers with the help of drones –assistant.

Special attention should be paid to the venue of the Club of Corporations – Teleport virtual reality park. This is the largest amusement park of the future in Europe. Its area is about 1,500 square meters, and each meter of floor-to-ceiling space is filled with VR and AR technologies.

After the theoretical part, the guests experienced the technology of the future on themselves. It was a real test-drive of game simulations. Downhill on a roller coaster, an unforgettable flight on an airplane, control of a spaceship – everything is possible in Teleport!

As a bonus, the members of the Corporations Club made a real trip to Mars with the help of VR- glasses.

Thanks to those who were with us that day. Know that not technology made the meeting of the Corporations Club special, but you!